Contact Us
CPG Board Members
President - Connor Asher
Vice-President - Fred Berchtold
Treasurer - Marilyn Putz
Recording Secretary - Jill Frederickson
Director of Guild Member Relations - LaVerne Biske
Mel Biske - Puppet Patter and CPG web site Editor
please send your items and topic suggestions to him at
Assisted by Jeff Biske, Patter Publisher and CPG Web Master
Dave Herzog - Liaison with other puppet organizations
Susan Fulcher - World Puppetry Day Celebration
Susan Fulcher - Outreach Program
Dave Herzog - Glen Town Center Puppet Theater Series
Fred Putz - Guild Historian
The Puppeteers of America is a great all-volunteer organization that networks and promotes puppetry
across the country.
Want to find out more? We recommend a closer look at:
We would enjoy hearing from you with comments, suggestions or questions.